Kevin Allen-ANS 2nd Grand Vice-President

Kevin Allen, Camp 70 Glacier Valley Juneau, Yanyeidí Eagle/Wolf, Grandson of

Evelyn Myers, son of Dyann Myers.

Elizabeth Peratrovich inspired me to do the work I do through her being bold in the

face of staggering odds and proving that with enough determination and confidence, change can happen. I am currently the Second Grand Vice President of the Alaska

Native Sisterhood, Councilmember of the Juneau Tlingit and Haida Community

Council, and Member of the Juneau Board of Education. Education is a very

important area of interest to me and I hope to continue the work I do despite

sometimes overwhelming challenges, but following the example of leadership

Peratrovich set, it creates a clear path of success.



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Alaska Native Brotherhood Alaska Native Sisterhood Grand Camp


P.O. Box 21015

Juneau, AK 99801

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